Nora Tan (Co-President)
From the magical New York city borough of Staten Island comes Norah Tan, top candidate for potato overlord of the world! A junior in Wharton, she’s a truly multifaceted mentor, equally likely on any given day of the week to sit with you and have a deep, empathetic conversation or to take you out around campus and get super lit with you. Always willing to lend a listening ear and a helping hand, Norah is truly the captain at the hull of the PTS ship, steering it with a smile so bright it clear any stormy sky.
Stefanie Wang (Co-President)
Co-president, coder, (ex) cheerleader, this tiny Taiwanese tinkerbell has got it all. Stef “Yu Ji” Wang possesses seemingly infinite positive energy and genuine care for people. You may find her doing one of the following activities on campus: eating, sleeping, studying CIS/cognitive science, bullying her PTS little, and telling people she needs to go to the gym but never actually going. Whatever it is, she’ll be doing it smiling like a cutie patootie. Be sure to always give her hugs and show her the latest dank memes. 8^D

Theresa Lin (Social Programming Logistics VP)
Theresa Lin aka TREE is the most amazing combination of “why am I so derp” and being hot af while dancing to literally any song (and also just being hot in general). Aside from being a BBB major and huge foodie, she is also an expert at lighting up everyone’s day with her smile and random stories about basically anything!!! Also she is a great hugger (just ask her litto)! She is not only oak-ay, you best beleaf she is the best. tree. ever

Amy Chen (Social Marketing VP)
The most artistic, friendly and patient person you would ever meet, is from Potomac, Maryland, the 7th most educated small town in the US. The future Hayao Miyazaki or Disney animator, Amy majors in Digital Media Designs and excels in both the Arts and Computer Science. Though she is usually appreciative of many things in life such as Pokemon, Vegetables, seaweed and mint are not part of those. She usually studies in her room, but you may sometimes catch her in Stommons or Harnwell lounges, try your luck there!

Andrew Tsai (Financial VP)
BLURB: Although Andrew hails from the icy regions of Vancouver, Canada, he has a heart as warm as Taiwanese summer days. When he’s not managing the $$ for PTS or preparing for his guaranteed-admission dental school (#7yrsatPenn), he can be found lifting weights, debating Taiwanese politics, and getting lit on a school night. He is also a proud member of the MERT lin and a self-proclaimed (nevertheless effective) enabler, having “enabled” (aka killed) his litto in multiple occasions. But all drinking aside, he is a warmhearted big and a kindhearted human being!

Howard Yuan (Internal VP)
Meet Howard (Howie) Yuan, PTS’s very own Vice President of Internal Affairs. Hailing from the suburbs of Pennsylvania, Howie is a current sophomore studying computer science. Outside of PTS, Howie encourages discussions on Pan-Asian cultural and political issues as the Special Events Chair of Sangam and promotes social gatherings within the Alpha Chi Rho (Crows) fraternity. In his free time, Howie’s interests include playing the guitar and leading photography walks. If you ever need help creating a Facebook cover photo, hit Howie up for a quick tutorial of Canva. If you’re looking to learn photoshop, maybe consider someone else. But most importantly, if you just looking for a cuddly hugger, then Howie is the one for you!

Christopher Lee (External VP)
Chris does nothing but endure attacks—he won't attack on his own. However, he won't endure an attack on his tail. When that happens, he will try to take the foe with him by using Destiny Bond.

Tiffany Wang (Cultural VP)
Tiffany is a sophomore from a Denton, Texas, a small town in the middle of nowhere. As an unapologetic kleptomaniac, she can be found scouring the campus for free food to share with her friends and fellow sophomores who are no longer on the meal plan. She enjoys watching 9-hour documentaries, organizing (super amazing and cool) conferences, and enjoying lit outings with her lineage! Tiff is one of the the sweetest and most hilarious people on campus, so don’t hesitate to say hi to her on Locust!