President - Sean Na
Getting to know Sean Na, is like getting to know a sweet and beloved leader, a skillfull dancer, a prime-time memer, a PUBG master, and a chicken wing eater. Growing up in Long Island, NY, Sean is now a junior majoring in Biology, acing orgo and pre-med while leading PTS to be the coolest and warmest cultural club it could possibly be. Catch this athletic boi Ice skating in the class of 1923 arena, winning streaks in badminton, and running in the gym or on the track in high school in NewYork. Not only sporty, Sean also enjoys singing and dancing, and performed in several amazing dance shows in Pan Asian Dance Troupe.
Executive Vice President - Will Li
William Li is a smol boy from Cupertino who dreams to be big. Sit-ups, push-ups, and even bench pressing competitions which his fb clout actively supports—Will has a schedule that destines him for bigness! …except it only exists on a whiteboard in his room, not in reality :( While extremely roastable and memeable, this smol boy does have something big. His heart. Except for a lack of wholesomeness, Will is chinese mother 第一. He approaches everyone with the sweetest and most thoughtful intentions, and can be counted on to lift you up with his big 马手s. You can find him rolling down locust on his skateboard, studying (crying?) over his mcat book in stommons, saying “dood” way too much, or baking cookies with his litto and then eating them all and asking her for more!! Will helps make the PTS community the safe haven it is, and is always excited to welcome in new members :)

External VP - Fiona Tsai
Fiona Tsai is a sophomore majoring in Biology. She is a wannabe Snorlax, not because you won’t catch her sleeping in the middle of the road and blocking upset Pokémon trainers, but because she is very smol. You can also catch a wild Fiona Tsai at the following locations: studying until closing time at Stommons and ignoring her litto, dancing (rather embarrassingly) at 88rising concerts/frat parties, frantically searching for her phone at raves, and playing next-level trombone solos at Penn Jazz shows. If you do manage to catch a wild Fiona Tsai – good luck with that, she’s a feisty one – you will find that she is an amazing, kind, caring, adorable person who will make you feel simultaneously loved and hated, but mostly loved. Born and raised in Taipei, her Taiwanese-ness will overpower even the most passionate boba connoisseur (just ask her about “the tattoo”).

Internal VP - Jennifer Yen
JEN!! Is literally the sweetest person. And probably the most active, out of all of PTS board. (Or just about anyone you’ll meet??) This Internal VP is out there running and doing crazy trails on her bike back in Cleveland, Ohio. Hit her up to do tennis or let her get you into running! She likes coding but don’t talk to her about cis 160 :(. (Don’t talk to any board member taking 160 about 160 actually.) Jen Yen is seriously the best kind of friend you can ask for, and you’ll love her once you get to know her. <3 <3 (Which you totally should, aka come to PTS events and talk to her!!)
Co-Programming Logistics VP - Rachel Lee
Rachel is the cutest, smiliest, sweetest person you will ever meet! She was born in Korea, but has also lived in Taiwan! Even though Korean food is both delicious and spicy, Rachel can neither cook (she’s burned pasta before) nor handle spice! She has an incredible sense of fashion and always looks so nice and put together, despite sleeping very late. Rachel is always on top of her game, especially with selling presales! Rachel may have been MERTed before, but she will make sure that you won’t be! Come out to PTS events and get to know Rachel! Don’t be afraid strike up a conversation with her first because she’s got a super bubbly, loving personality :)

Co-Programming Marketing VP - Hanwen Yang
If you're ever in need of a friend, she's the one for you! Meet Hanwen Yang - the sweetest and most wholesome person in all of PTS. She's a pianist, a theater person (past Cultural Chair!!!), and also a pre-medical student (or should I say soon-to-be Dr. Yang?) Did I also mention Hanwen is a dedicated MERT? She'll be there to look after you when your weekend activities get a little too wild. Ask Hanwen to study organic chemistry with you, or ride all the thrill rides at Six Flags, or grab delicious food in Chinatown, I promise hanging with Hanwen will be the highlight of your day!
Financial VP - Alvin Tsuei
Alvin was always a special child. When his parents asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he left and returned holding a snake in his arms, grinning from ear to ear. He ventured into the exotic, international land of Vancouver, Canada, enrolled into a school that fostered his growth into a Fine Young Man, and decided he had an aptitude for biology. From thereon, it was his Big Brain and his Humble Shoe Collection against the world. On the inside, he is a passionate advocate of sighing, a cunning and well-connected financial VP, and a great food companion. He makes sure that he supports those around him and can be seen with a huge smile on his face, inspiring those around him to follow their dreams!! Other than giving the best advice, he makes a great big to a very lost litto, and openly encourages everyone to find their family at PTS!

Cultural VP - Paul Lin
Paul Lin! He spends his days studying geology, but he knows about more than just rocks. He knows about being roasted and ridiculed on a daily basis, and he also knows so much about parallel lines - especially how he and a 4.0 will never meet (ps. He sucks at math240). But mostly, he knows about rocks because he is one- grounded, unwavering, and always there for you. If you want home-cooked food at 2 am, he’ll be there. Hit him up to learn more about tundras, white rice, environmental science, or how Maryland is an “amazing but underrated” state!